February 4, 2025
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The detection precocious of cancer of mother It is so important that it has been shown to significantly improve survival expectations, reducing mortality by 40%, according to the Pan American Health Organization. Health (OPS), emphasizing that it also decreases morbidity and reduces the cost of care by allowing a treatment more effective.

A reality that he has also confirmed, from his column on the website of Free Diaryone of our most reputable doctors, Dr. Mario Lamaobstetrician-gynecologist.

This ensures that “the most effective way to reduce the risk of this pathology is through early diagnosis. Timely and premature evaluation is mainly supported by mammographya easy studyreliable, economically affordable and with very few risks, which every woman over 40 years of age should undergo annually.

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Global statistics

Although he cancer of mother can affect both men and women women of any age, 99% of cases occur in the female gender, the main risk factor, to which are added age and family history.

According to data from the World Health Organization Health (WHO), in 2022, 2.3 million cases will be diagnosed worldwide, with 670,000 deaths. In Latin America and the Caribbean alone, more than 210,000 new diagnoses and almost 68,000 deaths in 2020.

Each year, approximately 491,000 women are diagnosed with this disease in the American continent. And it is expected that by 2040 the number of diagnoses increase by 39%, reaching around 684,174 cases.

Checkups make a difference

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Most people do not experience any symptoms when the cancer is still in phase early. That is why it is so important to have checkups annually, without fail, since diagnostic tests make a big difference, radically changing the prognosis of the disease.

The WHO has it measured: between 1980 and 2020 “the prognosis after a diagnosis of cancer of mother has improved dramatically in high-income countries, which have had a 40% decrease in mortality from cancer of mother (…) after the introduction of programs detection early and protocols treatment standardized”.

Why you should not miss your exams

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To make it clearer, these are the most important keys to understanding the importance of detection early and how to achieve early diagnosis.

1. Greater probability of success in treatment: when he cancer of mother detected in its initial stages, the options for treatment are more effective and less invasive. Early diagnosis can lead to a higher cure rate and better quality of life after surgery. treatment.

2. Smaller and less aggressive tumors: the tumors of mother detected in early stages tend to be smaller and less aggressivemeaning they are less likely to have spread to other parts of the body.

3. Fewer invasive treatment options: In early stages, it may not be necessary to undergo treatments as intensive or invasive as extensive surgeries or aggressive chemotherapy.

4. Fewer side effects: he treatment early can reduce the risk of effects secondary severe and long-term associated with more aggressive treatments.

5. Greater breast conservation: In cases where surgery is needed, early detection may allow conservative surgery options that preserve more of the breast.

6. Less medical costs: the detection early may result in less intensive and costly treatments, which may reduce the financial burden for patients and their families.

7. Less emotional impact: Early diagnosis can reduce uncertainty and stress emotional associated with an advanced diagnosis of cancer.

8. Greater control and participation in treatment: Early detection gives patients the opportunity to make informed decisions about their treatment and actively participate in their health care plan.

9. Regular Mammograms and Self-Exams: the mammograms regular and self-examination mother They are key tools for detection early. The mammograms can detect tumors before they are palpable, which increases the chances of early diagnosis.

10. Awareness and education: Educate people about the importance of detection early and the options detection available is essential to foster a culture of prevention and care of health.

The detection early of the cancer of mother can make a big difference in the outcome of the treatment and in the quality of life.

Maintain a routine of detection regulate and be attentive to any changes in your breasts It is essential. Always consult a professional health for specific guidance on when and how to take exams.

Breast cancer screening

  • Mammography, or breast x-ray, is the most commonly used scan and can detect cancer before it is large enough to be felt or cause symptoms.

  • Sonomammography is an essential ultrasound test to detect breast abnormalities. It is non-invasive, painless, uses no radiation, and causes no side effects. It is an effective exam to detect lesions or tumors that mammography does not distinguish.

  • Breast MRI is an imaging method that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create highly detailed images of the breasts and surrounding tissue. It is very useful to help rule out breast cancer when there are other breast problems or in people at high risk for cancer.

  • Breast biopsy is a procedure that removes a small sample of breast tissue and is sent to a laboratory, where a specialized doctor (pathologist) examines the tissue sample and makes a diagnosis. It is used when there is a suspicious area in the breast.

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