The National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation (Intrant) reported this Monday that, together with the Infotepwill implement a training plan aimed at transporters and motorcyclists, to re-educate them in responsible mobility, accident reduction and saving lives.
The director of IntrantMilton Morrison said that will not grant or renew the operating license to any company or transportation entity without its drivers having received the training of the National Institute of Vocational Technical Training (Infotep) and the National School of Road Safety Education (Enevial).
Morrison gave his statements when signing the agreement to execute the “Soft Driving Skills Program” with the director of InfotepRafael Santos Badía. The training that will be provided virtual and synchronous wayin coordination with the National School of Road Education (Enevial).
Morrison established the need for reeducate drivers in different areas, highlighting the emotional intelligenceto achieve compliance with Traffic Law 63-17.
“It has been determined that the largest number of accidents transit They are caused by the human factor, that is, due to behaviors when driving a vehicle or traveling on public roads, such as: clumsiness, recklessness, inadvertence, irresponsibility, negligence, anger, stress and non-observance of safety rules. transitthis makes us look back at the psychological aspects of drivers and pedestrians, as well as the risk factors generated by inappropriate emotional states or reactions to everyday situations of transit poorly addressed,” he said.
He added that the signing of this agreement is the cornerstone for the signing of a great “National Pact for the Road Safety“, which will be headed by President Luis Abinader, with the aim of saving lives and reducing the road accidents with the integration of all sectors of society.
For Santos Badía, this program represents a milestonesince it will touch on such fundamental aspects as training driver of motor vehicles of any kind, given the present conditions of complexity of the transit urban and highways and the high vehicle fleet of the country.
What will driver training be like?
He advanced that the training will last for eight hours of introductory days of alignment of instructions for drivers of motor vehicles, which may be taught in person or virtually, these would be complemented with other four hours additional for awareness, empathy and communication in the road environment.
About the agreement
He Intrant He said that for the signing of that agreement it was taken into consideration that the situation of the mobility and the transit In this country it is a highly complex issue of concern that requires the commitment and joint support of citizens.
The agreement establishes that the Infotep will provide the validation service, in accordance with the regulations that regulate the sector, to all candidates presented by the Intrantand will certify those who successfully complete the evaluation procedures and tests.
It states that, the Intrant will facilitate Infotep the information necessary for the design and implementation of the project and the agreed work plan and will refer the participants of the agreed training.
He Infotep has trained, from 2020 to date, a total of 16,654 people, in the development of skills associated with transportation, at a behavioral and technical level in training actions such as: Citizen service, Conflict management, Teamwork, Organizational development, advanced Excel, Office program management, and Internet.