February 4, 2025
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He National theater has created a platform modern for the electronic sales of tickets, but the producers prefer to market their products directly showswhich limits its use. Since most of the events presented are independent productions, this important cultural center does not manage ticket sales for the events. shows that welcomes.

The presentations at the Carlos room Piantini of the National theater Eduardo Brito benefit various companies selling online ticketswhich raise prices by adding surcharges for their services.

The producers They welcomed the initiative of the theatre authorities but prefer intermediaries who have more experience. points of sale physical for the purchase of tickets.

The teacher and artistic producer Amaury Sanchezthe theater producer Juancito Rodriguezand businessmen Cesar Suarez Jr. and Billy Hasbun expressed their opinions on the matter.

They also spoke out artistic director of the National theater, Carlos Veitiaand Carlos Jiménez, in charge of www.boleteria.com.do of the National theater.

Cesar Suarez Jr., who uses several dates in the National theater During the year, he mentioned that he is still not familiar with the cultural center’s digital service.

“I haven’t used it yet, but I plan to. It’s a system that has been implemented recently and has been used at some events in the Ravelo hall,” he said.

Although he currently employs the services of the company Uepaticketsindicated that this does not prevent him from using both systems. “I think what the National theater It is positive because it shows growth and offers facilities for producers,” he added.

The teacher Amaury Sanchez He is also on the list of those who have not yet had the opportunity to learn how www works.boleteria.com.do.

“What I’ve seen on the website seems very well designed. The printer they use is professional and I plan to use it soon because I think it’s very well conceived. It offers benefits for the producer, such as no additional charges from other platforms and a security guarantee,” commented Sanchez.

He also mentioned that he plans to make an agreement with the administration of the National theater for the 2025 programming. “What is missing is more promotion, but that can be achieved over time, and we can help with that,” concluded Sánchez.

Billy Hasbunanother artistic entrepreneur, has not yet tried the ticket office digital of the National theater and currently prefers other options available on the market. “I don’t use it. I’m still working with it.” Uepatickets because they sell physical tickets in their points of sale and they have more places to buy tickets in person,” Hasbún explained. However, he said he was willing to consider the option of selling tickets through the website of the National theater in the future. “I might use it in the future, but that will depend on what it offers. For now, Uepatickets “It suits me,” Hasbún added.

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Juancito Rodríguez, theatre producer. (SUPPLIED)

Juancito Rodrigueza theater producer, said that the ticket office of the National theater It is relatively new and has begun to show positive results.

“Other colleagues have used it with good results. It is an initiative of the administration which shows great responsibility and seriousness. I can attest that it works. In fact, in my next dates for the following year I will use it because it is important that the theatre has its own ticket office“We have always asked for it, so why not use it when we reach an agreement with them, which they are always willing to offer,” said Rodriguez.

Carlos Veitia: “They are not interested because it is new”

Carlos Veitia, artistic director of the National theater Eduardo Brito, revealed that the platform of ticket office digital The institution seeks not only to make it easier for the public to purchase tickets, but also to offer additional benefits.

“Not all are sold tickets of the shows because some producers They are not interested in associating with a ticket office new. However, the system of ticket office of the National theater It is the most modern in the country at the moment and not only is it online, but it offers many other benefits. On the other hand, the National theater still maintains the freedom of other servers, such as Uepaticketsalso have a space in our ticket office“Veitia explained.


Veitía urged the artists and producers to trust in him service offered through the web, highlighting that the ticket office digital has been working well for two years. “Very few mistakes are made with our ticket office. Printing errors that may occur are the responsibility of the producers that use other platforms, and the National theater must face the consequences,” Veitía said.

He also stressed the importance of the producers use www.boleteria.com.do to avoid misunderstandings with clients. “As we are the venue, all the blame falls on us. People don’t always realise that it’s not a theatre production,” added the classical choreographer.

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The teacher Amaury Sanchez (SUPPLIED)

“The printer they use is professional and I plan to use it soon because I think it has been very well conceived. It offers benefits for the producer, such as the absence of additional charges from other platforms and a security guarantee.”Amaury SanchezProducer and symphonic conductor“


The director of the National theater He commented that the producers They must recognize the facilities offered“It seems to give the impression that they are not offered facilities here. In fact, we provide more facilities than many theaters in the world. Theaters have their own box offices and do not allow sales through other servers,” Veitía said.

No agreement with Uepatickets

Carlos Jimenez, responsible for the platform www.boleteria.com.doclarified that they do not have a economic agreement with Uepatickets.

“Our channel of electronic sales continues to operate so that the producers can print and distribute their tickets at the National theaterbut there is no such thing economic agreement with them,” Jimenez said.

He stressed that www.boleteria.com.do offers to the producers the possibility of selling tickets at a minimal cost. “We formally launched the platform in March of this year, developed specifically for the National theater. We have two physical locations: one in the National theater and another at the Sinfonía Foundation, for those producers that they consider appropriate to use them,” Jiménez explained. platform allows the sale of tickets for events organized by the management of the National theater as for those of the producers upon request.

How to buy a ticket

To purchase a ticket at www.boleteria.com.dothe user must register, enter their credentials (regardless of whether they reside abroad) and pay with a debit or credit card. They will immediately receive their ticket. “The platform is perfectly functional. The producers have welcomed the implementation of www.boleteria.com.doand we aspire to capture the largest number of producers“Although some use other services, those who have trusted us have been very satisfied,” said Jiménez.

Service charges

Artists and producers who choose to use the National Theater’s sales channel must pay a fee for the use of the service. “We charge an ‘administrative fee’ to ensure the sustainability of the system. We also apply a 5% fee for ticket service to the user who buys their tickets. The administrative fee varies depending on the venue: in the Carlos Piantini venue, the producer pays RD$6,000 for each performance, and in the Ravelo venue, between RD$2,000 and RD$2,500 per performance,” Jiménez said.

Journalist. Magazine Deputy Editor at Diario Libre. President of the Dominican Academy of Art and Entertainment Journalists (Adopae).

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