Twenty-six years later, 40 families victims of the Hurricane Georges who lived overcrowded in...
The Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña, inaugurated on Sunday the Najayo Arriba...
While the hurricane Raphael was moving away from Cuba This Thursday morning, entering the...
Milton entered the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday after crossing Florida like a hurricane category...
He hurricane Helene left dozens dead and billions of dollars in damage as it...
It was formed on Tuesday morning storm tropical Helene over the northwestern Caribbean Sea,...
This Sunday, September 22, marked 26 years since the hurricane Georges affected the Dominican...
This September 19 marks two years since the hurricane Fiona affected the Dominican territory,...
This Saturday, August 31, marks 45 years since the devastating hurricane passed through the...
Operations are carried out as scheduled Related topics: Aerodom, Luis Muñoz MarÃn International Airport,...