Even though he Index of Direct Costs of Housing Construction (ICDV) fell in October...
The President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, yesterday expressed his support for the private...
He BHD Bank and the Town hall of the National District began the construction...
He president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinaderassured this Saturday that, by the end...
He sector agriculturalthe rebar and cement industry in the provinces of the northern region...
He minister of the Dwelling and Buildings (MIVED), Carlos Bonilla Sánchez, stated this Monday...
Almost a week after the start of operational of migrant repatriationsectors such as construction...
Almost a week after the start of operational of migrant repatriationsectors such as construction...
Santo Domingo East and North stand as the areas that concentrate most of the...
The Vice President of the Republic, Rachel Peñastarted this Thursday the works for the...