With the purpose of transform he sector public, stimulating innovation of State servants, to improve the quality of services to citizens, the Administrative Ministry of the Presidency (Mapre) delivered this Wednesday the Prize National to the Innovation Public to teams of job who obtained the three best projects of novelty applied by public institutions.
The fourth edition of prize It was delivered by the Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña, together with the Minister of Mapre, Andrés Bautista; and the vice minister of InnovationTransparency and Citizen Attention, Dilia Leticia Jorge, in an event held in the Green Room of the Palace National.
As for the winners of the top three projects in the category Innovation Public, the team of public servants from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), obtained first place; The second position was occupied by those from the Superintendency of Banks and the Central Bank, while the third placeof the Superintendence of Banks, Central Bank and Superintendence of the Securities Market.
He first place It was won by the “Small Area Estimation (SAE)” initiative, of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), which was developed by the job composed of Mabely Elizabeth DÃaz Soriano, Joel Gabriel Méndez Cabrera and Carlos Alberto Peña Valerio.
He second place he got it project “Portal of the Administration Monetary and Financial (PAMF)”, of the Superintendence of Banks and Central Bank, promoted by public servants: Catherine Elisa Asencio León, Jean Carlos Jiménez DomÃnguez, Wander Moreta Recio and Rayson Augusto Gil MejÃa.
While, in third place The collaborators of the Superintendency of Banks, the Central Bank and the Superintendence of the Stock Market, the team of job which included Manuel Eugenio RodrÃguez Troncoso, Greilyn Lora Bencosme, SofÃa HenrÃquez Villar and Andrés Eduardo RodrÃguez Santos with the proposal “HUB de Innovation Financial”.
To the teams winners of the first place They were awarded a prize of 350,000 pesos, the second place 250,000 pesos and the third placeobtained an amount of 150,000 pesos.
In your speech welcome to the event, vice minister of InnovationTransparency and Citizen Attention, Dilia Leticia Jorge; explained that some of the evaluation criteria applied were innovation public, impact, feasibility, profitability, sustainability and gender inclusion.
Likewise, he said that, during the call, a total of 42 proposals what were evaluated by the juries and subsequently pre-selected 37, of which three were winners teams with the first, second and third placeand three others with a mention of honor.
He indicated that the majority of the proposals that were from the ministry of Administration Public, with 16, “that is to say that the majority of the works were from the Administration Public, to streamline processes within institutions.”
Dilia Leticia Jorge stated that during the four years that the awards, they have received 130 proposals of the institutions that seek how to improve public services, public policies and the internal processes of the institutions, “so thank you very much for trusting in this proposal,” said the official.
Special mentions
They received mention of honor three others projects“Evaluation of Health Technologies (Evtesa)”, in the category Innovation Implemented Public, presented by Madeline Melissa MartÃnez GarcÃa, Gabriel Antonio Payano Pérez and Yasmiry MejÃa Núñez, collaborators of the Superintendency of Health and Occupational Risks (Sisalril).
Also, “Certification of Quality and Governance for Non-Profit Associations”, in the category Innovation in Public Policies and Services, presented by Claudia Mirel Curiel Pérez, Emely Cesarina Tejeda Casilla and Vielka MarÃa Polanco Morales; collaborators of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD).
Also, the project “SB Interactive in the category Innovation in Public and Digital Processes”, presented by Angélica Isabel Jansen Alonso, Luz Marcia Reyes Caraballo, Brayhan Nicolas Paulino Polanco and Arturo Bazil Pérez, collaborators of the Superintendency of Banks.
At the event, Mapre also distinguished five institutions for the quality of the proposals of their participating teams. The Superintendency of Health and Occupational Risks (Sisarill) and the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD) were recognized; the Central Bank, the Superintendency of Banks and the Superintendency of Securities.
About the Award
This award is held annually to comply with presidential decree number 808-21 that establishes the Prize National to the Innovation Public of the Administrative Ministry of the Presidency.
He mapre through your vice ministry of InnovationTransparency and Citizen Attention, which directs the Laboratory of Innovation Public of the Dominican Republic (LIP-RD), seeks to recognize and value good practices and innovative ideas in the Administration Public of the Dominican State.