February 3, 2025
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The Camera American Trade of the Dominican Republic (Amchamdr), recognized the general director of Customs, Eduardo Sanz Lovatón and to minister of Industry, Trade and Mipymes, Víctor Bisonó, for their contributions and commitment in promoting a trade facilitation agenda that reduces the cost, time and complexity of cross-border trade.

The executive vice president of the AmchamdrWilliam Malamud, highlighted that the Amchamdr has been able to work closely with these two officials public in the last four years, after a agreement inter-institutional agreement signed in 2021.

  • He agreement was done with the objective of moving forward towards a shared vision of a country “fully integrated“in global value chains.

“Through this collaboration structured, both entities have promoted projects that highlight the country as the ideal destination for the nearshore,” said Malamud within the framework of the Thanksgiving lunch organized by this chamber of commerce.

Facilitation of commerce

Malamud recognized the efforts of Sanz Lovatón to establish the National Committee of Facilitation of Trade (CNFC), through which a collaboration public-private to improve logistics port in the country.

“Through the work of Sanz Lovatón in the presidency of the CNFC and with the support of Amchamdr In its role as secretariat, important achievements have been achieved, including the formalization of the CNFC under Law 168-21 of Customscarrying out studies for a hub (center) logistic“he pointed out.

Likewise, he highlighted that the promulgation of important decrees has been achieved to extend schedules of operations and improve the supply chain cold for products perishablewhich has allowed us to expand the collaboration public-private, necessary for the approval of laws such as the Logistics Operations Law and the Law of Trade Maritime.

The deputy director general of CustomsDaniel Peña, received the plaque from Sanz Lovatón on his behalf, thanking him for the distinction made to the work of the General Directorate of Customsrecognizing for their “hard work and commitment to modernizing customs processes and facilitating trade.”

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Bisonó received the recognition from the executive management of Amchamdr. (FREE DIARY/DANIA ACEVEDO)

Strengthening of climate business

Meanwhile, Malamud recognized the work of minister Víctor Bisonó in the coordination, together with the DGA, of alliances strategies that strengthen the sector business and improve the climate business in the country, highlighting among them the creation of the Advice Business of the Alliance for Development in Democracy.

“This Advice Business serves as the voice of sector private of the Alliance countries in the dialogue high-level talks with the US government on supply chains supply critical, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals and medical devices,” stressed the executive vice president of the Amchamdr.

Likewise, he highlighted the dialogue constant with authorities Americansmultilateral banks and business associations to promote policies and initiatives that facilitate and encourage the restructuring of supply chains supply Asians in the region.

For that reason, the Amchamdr recognized Bisonó “for his outstanding work, leadership and contribution to strengthening the sector commercial and industrial of the Dominican Republic“.

Upon receiving the distinction, the minister Bisonó thanked the gesture, and recalled that these efforts have been possible thanks to the synergies created with allies like the Camera American Tradethe embassy american and the United States Department of State.

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