500 workers could join
RR l Buenos Aires | July 16, 2024
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RELATED TOPICS: Aerolíneas Argentinas, AR, Intercargo, Javier Milei, PRO
Aerolíneas Argentinas has opened a new voluntary retirement plan, which it has once again called “Retirement Gratificado” (Bonus Retirement), company sources reported.
This would be “the last plan” that the company will launch and there is an expectation that around 500 employees will join, taking as a reference that in the previous plan around 200 workers joined, as it was opportunely reported. REPORTUR.com. (Aerolíneas Argentinas: 200 employees accept voluntary retirement plan)
The flag carrier currently has 11,800 employees and the previous plan established monthly payments, for an amount equivalent to 50% of seniority in years at the time of signing.
Although there was no consensus, the government maintains its intention to make Aerolíneas Argentinas a private company and, in the meantime, reduce to a minimum its Trips to those provinces that are not profitable.
The national government is seeking to define how it can divest itself of Intercargo and other companies that currently operate under the umbrella of the national airline.
The Pro Party agrees with the libertarian bloc, stating that there are companies that are in deficit, that are not working properly and that need to be reconverted, and they will continue to try to reconvert them, as is the most visible case of Aerolíneas Argentinas.