February 3, 2025
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The new minister of Environment and Natural ResourcesArmando Paíno Henríquez, has a net worth of 74,409,812.78 pesos, according to his most recent sworn statement of assets.

The official filed the sworn statement on September 16. However, the document was only displayed on the website of the Chamber of Accounts (CCRD), the institution that receives it.

The server’s assets total 93,187,115.39 pesos and liabilities 18,777,302.61 pesos, according to the document.

Paíno Henríquez, in terms of real estate, has assets of 26,565,612.41 pesos, while the value of his vehicles is 5,297,500 pesos.

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Consolidated of the sworn statement of Paíno Henríquez.


This Wednesday Free Newspaper published a story about officials who have not declared their assets, among which the new minister of Environment. Due to a weakness in the update of the Ojo Ciudadano portal, of the Chamber of Accountsthe statement by Paíno Henríquez, who assumed the position on August 16, was not displayed.

The server was listed in the newspaper article because it did not appear on the page in question.

In a statement addressed to this media, the Minister of Environment He reiterated that he filed his sworn statement in the Chamber of Accounts In faithful compliance with the provisions of Law No. 311-14, which establishes the National Authorized and Uniform System of Affidavits of Heritage of Officials and Public Servants.

His statement was filed on September 16, within the period established by the aforementioned law.

Article 5, paragraph I, Law 311-14 establishes that each civil servant of those mentioned in article 2 begins the exercise of his office, or is re-elected for a new period, he will present a sworn declaration of assets.

Likewise, Article 8 of the aforementioned regulations establishes that the deadline for the presentation of assets is 30 calendar days.

Henríquez highlighted his commitment to the preservation and protection of natural resources and also as a citizen, which is why, he says, since he joined the civil service, he has always been concerned about complying with all regulations.

Young journalist with experience in political, economic and cultural issues. Her specialties include investigative journalism, transmedia narrative and fact-checking.

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