Work began with an investment of RD$32 million
Related topics: CEIZTUR, David Collado, Guayacanes, Mitur
June 24, 2024
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The Minister of Tourism, David Colladostarted last Sunday the reconstruction work of the Plaza Marcelino Marte (Canito), in Guayacanes with an investment of more than 32 million pesos.
The work on Plaza Marcelino Marte, better known as Canito Park, includes a total area of 3,690 square meters.
The intervention covers the reconstruction of 1,190 square meters of cobblestone path, along the entire perimeter of the park, the 160 square meter square, in addition to the park.
Also added is the reconstruction of the basketball court, the construction of new stands, the renovation of the surface and a sports lighting system for better use of the area.
Collado said that with the start of the work, an old complaint of the residents of Los Guayacanes is addressed and highlighted its impact on tourism in that destination and the community.
“This intervention will have a direct impact on the community and strengthens this beautiful destination,” he indicated.
The reconstruction of the Plaza popularly known as Canito includes the reconstruction of 580 square meters of sidewalk and 648 linear meters of containers throughout the park environment.
The entire intervention includes lighting, landscaping, access ramp and road signage to provide the community with a better recreational and sports space.
The work will be carried out by the Tourist Zone Infrastructure Execution Committee (Ceiztur), who drives Yaneris Thenfor a total amount of RD$32,599,344.30