December 26, 2024
Cancun recruits back patients for cheaper surgeries
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Medical tourism will grow by 20% this year

RR | Cancun | May 3, 2024
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RELATED TOPICS: Andrés Jurado, Cancún, Coparmex, Quintana Roo, Medical Tourism.

Cancun will boost medical tourism with demand from Canada and the United States. It is estimated that Cancun will have a growth of 20% this year, with 25,000 potential patients, especially for orthopedics and spine surgery.

The United States is one of the countries that demands medical services the most, since these surgeries reach USD 150,000, while in destinations like Cancun the cost is considerably lower.

In addition, the aim is to attract patients, mainly Canadians, who do not have medical insurance, with prices up to 80% lower than those in their country of origin, as considered by the president of the Medical Tourism Commission of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX) in Quintana Roo, Andrés Jurado, as reported by Channel 10.

However, there is still a lack of defined products and packages to attract wholesalers, clear and attractive strategies to capture this market segment and position Quintana Roo as a leader in quality medical care.

As reported REPORTUR.mxIn February, the Cancun tourism sector already expressed interest in monopolizing medical tourism in the north of the country, on the border with the United States, where due to security issues they have been losing this market. (Cancun focuses on medical tourism, which spends four times more).

For this reason, it will receive a thousand experts in medical tourism at the third International Congress to diversify the destination, since it is considered that a tourist who undergoes a medical procedure spends up to four times more than the traditional tourist.

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